How to run Windows 10 on a Mac using aVirtual Machine(VirtualBox) and share your files across…This is intended to help Mac users successfully set up a fully working virtual Windows 10 machine and a shared folder for moving and…Sep 28, 2020Sep 28, 2020
Early female Astronomers (pre-16th century)Here I am going to introduce you to several women astronomers and their important contributions to the scientific study of celestial…May 4, 2020May 4, 2020
Published iniOS App DevelopmentSpeech Recognition with Swift & iOS 10In this post I’ll explain how to implement Speech Recognition using Apple’s new Speech framework for Swift. In the fall of 2016 with the…Mar 6, 201716Mar 6, 201716
Published iniOS App DevelopmentSecuring user data with Keychain for iOSIn this post, I’ll discuss securely persisting data in iOS apps using Apple’s Keychain Services. I’ll walk you through what the Keychain…Feb 25, 20175Feb 25, 20175
Published iniOS App DevelopmentBuild a count down timer with Swift 3.0Here you will see how to build a simple timer for iOS using Swift 3.0.Dec 3, 201625Dec 3, 201625
Published iniOS App DevelopmentSend email content from your iOS App with MFMailComposeViewControllerLetting users share content by email from within your app is a wonderful way to get the word out about your apps unique features and…Jul 21, 2016Jul 21, 2016
Published iniOS App DevelopmentSetting up Swift and Objective-C InteroperabilityAs Swift becomes more widely used the question arises: how to integrate the this new language and functionality with established…Jun 19, 20167Jun 19, 20167
Published iniOS App DevelopmentMake a Custom UIGestureRecognizer in Objective-CBefore learning how to make a custom UIGestureRecognizer there are a few key things to know about the UIGestureRecognizer class and…Mar 24, 20163Mar 24, 20163
Published iniOS App DevelopmentBroadcasting with NSNotification CenterNSNotification is an apple class that allows for messages to be sent out over all classes in a project and to be heard or received from…Mar 16, 20162Mar 16, 20162
Published iniOS App DevelopmentBuild a World Clock in Objective-CAnd learn about NSDate, NSCalendar & NSDateComponents.Mar 12, 2016Mar 12, 2016